Catalyst in EPEL 6

Mark Chappell tremble at
Tue Aug 24 09:59:17 UTC 2010

Edward Trochim wrote:
> We are seriously considering using Catalyst for a new webapp we will be developing soon and we want to be able to deploy it using the same mechanisms as all our other software. We could use CPAN, and we are prepared to go that route if we need to, but we would prefer to keep everything in RPMs. There are actually several deployment strategies I am investigating right now, this is just one of them.

Are you already a Fedora Packager?  If so then cweyl seems quite happy
to let people maintain his packages over in EPEL.

The packages I've not built yet in that list are because I've not had
chance to chase done the last few dependencies and I've been on holiday
and am about to move country.  I'm willing to help co-maintain the extra
packages in EPEL, but I'm unlikely to be doing that much over the next 2
to 3 weeks.


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