EPEL6 When to go out of Beta?

Stephen Gallagher sgallagh at redhat.com
Tue Nov 16 12:04:52 UTC 2010

Hash: SHA1

On 11/16/2010 12:31 AM, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> On Mon, 15 Nov 2010 17:03:49 -0500
> Stephen Gallagher <sgallagh at redhat.com> wrote:
>> I vote for b) with the below as rationale:
>> As a related question: for EPEL 6 can we discuss the possibility of
>> having EPEL6.1, EPEL6.2 releases where we consider the possibility of
>> releasing minor and (possibly) major package updates?
> This would be a lot more infrastructure work I fear... 
>> RHEL itself will sometimes rev minor and major versions of packages
>> during Y-stream releases (6.1, 6.2, etc.) I personally think that we
>> should consider doing something similar in EPEL. One month after each
>> RHEL Y-stream release, we should allow similar updates to happen in
>> EPEL.
>> Logistically, I'd be suggesting that we should maintain a primary
>> EPEL6 branch and an ongoing EPEL6-beta branch. Individual packages
>> could then be merged into the EPEL6 primary branch one month or so
>> after a RHEL Y-stream release.
> So how would that work for the git/repo/build side? 
> each package would have a EL-5.1/EL-5.2/EL-5.3/EL-5.4/EL-5.5/etc
> branch? If you wanted to update them all thats 6-9 builds? 
>> It would make maintaining packages for EPEL a lot more approachable if
>> there was a plan for when it would be okay to have new functionality
>> updates. It would also be predictable from a consumer's perspective.
> So, a new minor rev would allow any new feature, but you would have to
> keep the old rev on the old version? Couldn't that get confusing? 
> Would we need bug components then for each of the streams then I guess?
> I think it could be ok, but not sure we have the infrastructure
> manpower for it. 

Not exactly. I'm talking about maybe maintaining only the two most
recent point releases at a time, similar to the Fedora process.

So basically we'd only ever have three branches: the beta branch and the
two most recent stable branches.

EL-6.1, EL-6.2 and EL-beta (the last of which would become EL-6.3 one
month after RHEL/CentOS 6.3 released and we'd terminate support for
EL6.1 at this time as well).

- -- 
Stephen Gallagher
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