Possible new maintainer

Todd Zullinger tmz at pobox.com
Thu Jul 28 14:54:52 UTC 2011

David Juran wrote:
> To be honest, I'm not sure. I know it's been discussed on this list
> back and forth a few times but I can't recall the outcome so I just
> pulled the above FAQ out from google... Can anyone else  on the list
> recall?

Heh, I have similarly vague recollections.  Glad to not be the only
one. :)

> I wish there was an easy way of doing this, but you'll find the
> SRPM:s of MRG in
> http://ftp.redhat.com/redhat/linux/enterprise/5Server/en/RHEMRG/SRPMS/

Thanks for the link.  (I did stumble onto that myself after asking).
So it looks like MRG is shipping facter-1.5.2-2 and puppet-0.24.6-3.
Neither package is newer than January 2009, so they are not getting
much love in MRG it would seem.  (The upstream release dates are
September 2008 for facter-1.5.2 and October 2008 for puppet-0.24.6,
for what it's worth.)

I certainly don't want to make any RHEL folks lives (or jobs) more
difficult, but I can't see the value in holding all EPEL user on such
ancient and unmaintained versions of facter and puppet.

When David Lutterkort was maintaining facter/puppet in EPEL, they were
updated much more frequently.  This was before puppet had reached as
many users as it has now, to be fair.  We've slowed down a bit on
pushing updates, even as upstream continues to forge ahead with new
versions.  But still, more users clamor for updates than for not, it
seems to me.  Hardly a few days go by that I don't get mail in my
inbox asking "where's puppet 2.6 in EPEL?" (Or 2.7 now.)  If we stuck
on 0.24.6, I doubt many puppet users would bother using EPEL at all.

Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL: www.pobox.com/~tmz/pgp
In their enthusiasm for frequent travel through the Doors of
Perception, far too many get hung up on the doorknob.
    -- M. Domalgowski

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