Okay to package HTTPS Everywhere 2.0?

Kevin Fenzi kevin at scrye.com
Thu Mar 1 19:07:00 UTC 2012

On Mon, 27 Feb 2012 12:06:05 -0600
Russell Golden <niveusluna at www.niveusluna.org> wrote:

> There will be new features in HTTPS Everywhere 2.0, but I'm not sure
> they are significant enough to forbid packaging for EPEL. So, I'm
> asking for opinions.
> The new features will include:
> > - 400+ new rulesets
> > - numerous improvements to make the UI more usable
> > - translations into a dozen languages
> > - accessibility improvements for visually impaired users
> > - an option to use the Decentralized SSL Observatory
> Remember that this is a browser extension for Firefox. On most
> machines, it'll probably auto-update in user profiles, anyway. At
> least I assume so. I don't know the typical enterprise user profile
> setup.

So, the changes from the current version include changes to 'the user
experence' ? ie, UI changes? Are they minor? or Major? 

Is the old version still supported for security updates? 
Or are they moving to only supporting the new one?
Can the old one use the new rules? Or is it stuck with out of date

If you did move to this version, would end users have to do anything

I'd guess this is kinda a grey area for two reasons: 
web browsers seem to be kind of an exception to things (10.x is coming
in a RHEL update), and things that need to update off the net/rulesets
need to update to interoperate. 

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