Keep or remove GlusterFS from EPEL-6?

Niels de Vos devos at
Wed May 16 12:32:23 UTC 2012


in #gluster on Freenode, we discussed a little if GlusterFS is allowed 
in EPEL-6. EPEL-5 is not affected as Red Hat does not provide packages 
for GlusterFS on RHEL-5.

The policy that may forbid GlusterFS in EPEL-6: 
mentions "packages from EPEL should never replace packages from the 
target base distribution - including those on the base distribution as 
well as layered products".

The Red Hat Storage product that includes GlusterFS is like an 
appliance. Customers who buy a subscription get access to a DVD download 
of RHEL-6.2.z (Extended Update Support, EUS) with the packages from an 
additional RHN-ChildChannel. It is not possible/intended/supported to 
use this RHN-ChildChannel without installing your system from the "Red 
Hat Storage" DVD. Therefore this RHN-ChildChannel is a little different 
from other layered products.

The first time a Red Hat product that includes GlusterFS was released in 
November 2011. EPEL-6 already contained the GlusterFS packages. The 
EPEL-policy was not harmed, but now GlusterFS is made available by Red 
Hat, and it is possible to have two sources for GlusterFS (one being 
EPEL-6, the other through the Red Hat Storage ChildChannel).

The question I have now:
Is it needed to block the glusterfs package from EPEL-6? Even if most 
RHEL users will not have access to EUS channel(s) that contain the 
glusterfs packages?


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