[EPEL-devel] transitioning packages to EPEL version

Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski dominik at greysector.net
Thu Oct 16 11:32:09 UTC 2014


On Thursday, 16 October 2014 at 11:40, Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan wrote:
> I have previously installed backuppc 3.1.0 from centos 5 testing. The
> package is now not maintaned by centos anymore.
> EPEL have BackupPC version 3.3.0, but yum check-update did not suggest that
> this package is a replacement for the backuppc package by centos

It isn't. At least not according to package name (hint: package names
are case-sensitive). The requisite Obsoletes: tag is most probably missing
as well in the EPEL package.

> How do I transition the backuppc centos to BackupPC EPEL?

You have to either fix the EPEL package .spec file yourself and rebuild
or file a bug against the package.

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