EPEL Wine32 for RHEL 7

Stephen John Smoogen smooge at gmail.com
Thu Sep 4 21:19:01 UTC 2014

On 4 September 2014 14:34, Jude Oliver <judeo at blansys.com> wrote:

>  Good day,  it appears that the current version of Wine on epel, 1.7.22,
> does not work for creating a 32 bit wineprefix on RHEL 7. It appears this
> is needed to run some windows applications, like Adobe Acrobat reader.
> It appears to work, but does not create the needed environment,  64 bit
> seems to create the needed environment. Is this intentional, since RHEL 7
> seems to want only pure 64 bit packages? I do have the various 32 bit
> compatibility libraries installed on RHEL as well.
> This is on a new, fresh install of RHEL 7, running as a non-root user, no
> preexisting wine setup. for completeness I have installed these on a RHEL 7
> box:
> wine 1.7.22
> cabextract-1.4-5.el7.nux.x86_64
> libmspack-0.4-0.2.alpha.el7.x86_64
> It appears that the 32bit wineprefix did not work, as it did not create
> any folders (Program Files etc) under the wine32/drive_c folder. Here are
> the output of all those commands:
Correct. At the moment, EPEL-7 is 64 bit only also.. even for things like

Stephen J Smoogen.
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