EPEL EpSCO Email Meeting:

Manuel Wolfshant wolfy at nobugconsulting.ro
Thu Sep 4 22:28:35 UTC 2014

On 09/05/2014 12:49 AM, Karsten Wade wrote:
> For anything related to the new repo, this is an important part of the
> idea. We want to set a new expectation with the new brand. Maybe we
> can just tie it to the upstream-of-Fedora -- 13 months, rolls with
> each Fedora release, etc.?
     It would look saner to me to tie it to the minor release cycle of 
RHEL. Fedora is in now way involved here ( short of being the source of 
the packages ).
     BUT as we want to decouple the repos ( i.e. base+updates from the 
rest of the ecosystem ) and allow a shorter cycle for 3rd parties, I 
would not tie anything to the cycle of RHEL either. We need to allow 
individual SIGs to be able to push $STUFF in their own cycle

     My .02 eurocents ( add 30% for US currency )


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