EPEL Questions about SCL during meeting (was: Anybody has something for agenda for Env-and-Stacks WG meeting today? (2014-09-09))

Honza Horak hhorak at redhat.com
Wed Sep 10 13:51:00 UTC 2014

On 09/09/2014 09:57 AM, Honza Horak wrote:
> I've quickly look at the EPEL meeting minutes from the last Friday, for
> anybody else interesting:
> http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/epel/2014-09-05/epel-weeklym-meeting-2014-09-05.2014-09-05-16.00.log.html

There were some ideas worth bringing to attention that I would try to 
react to:

16:43:25 <dgilmore> stahnma: not sure we can allow depending of software 

Just from a technical POV (not taken into account if we allow that in 
Fedora/EPEL/whereever) -- a common use case now is that if some package 
depends on some software collection, this package either is build in the 
same or in a depended software collection.

However, there are and will be cases where somebody would like to create 
a non-SCL RPM depended on a software collection, which is something not 
solved properly yet and the solution might be quite different from 
collection to collection.

16:47:43 <Evolution> smooge: where's the upstream for scls?
16:47:51 <Evolution> it's damned sure not softwarecollections.org
16:47:52 <smooge> softwarecollections.org I believe
16:48:07 <Evolution> it *should* be that, but it's not.

For the tooling (scl-utils), the upstream is at

For the collections packages (packages with scl macros defined) the 
upstream indeed is supposed to be at softwarecollections.org but I must 
admit we are not there yet (it's quite fresh project) -- there are still 
pieces missing like RPM sources in git, bug tracking or active 
development ahead of already released RHSCL.

But there is definitely not any other upstream url.


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