EPEL Update policy for unstable software

Brian Stinson bstinson at ksu.edu
Sat Sep 20 16:14:05 UTC 2014

On Sep 20 16:49, Milan Bouchet-Valat wrote:
> Hi!
> I've just packaged the Julia language for technical computing for
> Fedora, and I thought it would be very useful to add it to EPEL7, since
> a large share of the user base is in academia, on RHEL, CentOS or
> Scientific Linux machines.
> But Julia is still unstable, and evolving at a rapid pace. Though
> compatibility is preserved as much as possible, a few breaking changes
> are introduced in each major version, about twice a year. On the other
> hand, until 1.0 is reached, it does not make sense to keep a beta
> version of Julia and maintain it for years: it will soon become
> completely useless and even misleading for users.
> So I wonder whether it makes sense to package it for EPEL7, or whether
> I'd better wait for 1.0 to be out (which may take a couple of years). Or
> can I keep a package in the testing repo until that point?
> Thanks for your help
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One option would be to maintain a COPR
(http://copr.fedoraproject.org/) until it stabilizes. The EPEL
team is working on proposals for separate repositories that allow faster
moving package updates but nothing has been finalized yet. 


Brian Stinson
bstinson at ksu.edu | IRC: bstinson | Bitbucket/Twitter: bstinsonmhk

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