EPEL RHEL7/7 comparison

Dan Callaghan dcallagh at redhat.com
Sun Sep 28 22:33:11 UTC 2014

Excerpts from Till Maas's message of 2014-09-27 20:18 +10:00:
> I attempted to compare packages in RHEL7 with EPEL7 based on provided
> files. I used the RHEL repos available in Fedora Infrastructure, so I
> hope the sources are correct. Here is the current list:
> https://till.fedorapeople.org/tmp/rhel7-comparison.txt

python-gevent was supposed to be already retired in EPEL7:


I reopened the bug.

Dan Callaghan <dcallagh at redhat.com>
Software Engineer, Hosted & Shared Services
Red Hat, Inc.
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