[EPEL-devel] pam_mount for EPEL7 (and 6)

Marco van Leeuwen mastervanleeuwen at gmail.com
Mon Apr 27 14:53:51 UTC 2015

Hi all,

I am new to this list, so please feel free to point me to the proper
channels in case this is not the right list/way to file a request.

I am interested in using pam_mount on an EL7 based system (scientific linux
7). I've been playing a bit with the available spec files etc, and it looks
like this will just work based on the existing packages/spec files for
Fedora: I managed to build the rpm on my system and am currently using it.
I would be happy to test new version when needed etc.

The only problem is that we need libHX and hxtools as dependencies
(although the latter I am not even sure; it's listed as a dependency in the
specfile, but the rpm can be built without it; libHX is needed).

I did not find libHX (and hxtools) in the EPEL7 repo, so I did a test
build, which worked:

using the spec file downloaded from the fedora packages git. (for local rpm
build on my SL7 system, I had to make two changes: %{_pkgdocdir} is not
known and there was a doc file that was generated by not packaged,
resulting in an error) but I believe they are not needed on the fedora
build system.

Is there a way to get this package activated? I looked at the instructions
here: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Join_the_package_collection_maintainers
but they are more for completely new packages, while this package already
exists on the fedora package git repository.

Once this is available (together with hxtools), we can test pam_mount. My
test build failed because libHX-devel was not available:


My local build worked and I am currently using/testing the package

For those interested on pam_mount on EL6: I also have a working package for
that system, but have downgraded to pam_mount 2.12 (current version is
2.15) because EL6 had a rather old version of libmount (as part of

Best regards,

Marco van Leeuwen.
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