[EPEL-devel] python34 packages for EPEL

Orion Poplawski orion at cora.nwra.com
Fri Jul 17 21:43:23 UTC 2015

On 07/17/2015 02:05 PM, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> On Fri, 17 Jul 2015 13:53:30 -0600
> Orion Poplawski <orion at cora.nwra.com> wrote:
>> If you look closely at my diff, you'll see that it doesn't ship a
>> python2 version in epel.  But yeah, it may be cleaner to a separate
>> package.  It will be a lot of reviews, but hopefully pretty
>> straightforward.
> yes, but that won't work. Koji operates on source packages. 
> If python-foo is in epel, it doesnt/cannot use other parts of
> python-foo from rhel. It's all or nothing. This is why we can't just
> ship foo for ppc64 and keep using the rhel x86_64 one. ;( 

Ah, thanks for the reminder.

Orion Poplawski
Technical Manager                     303-415-9701 x222
NWRA, Boulder/CoRA Office             FAX: 303-415-9702
3380 Mitchell Lane                       orion at nwra.com
Boulder, CO 80301                   http://www.nwra.com

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