[EPEL-devel] Koji build errors (all releases - el5/6/7)

Paul Howarth paul at city-fan.org
Fri May 15 10:03:53 UTC 2015

On 15/05/15 10:10, Simone Caronni wrote:
> This seems the real issue (clicking under show result):
> BuildError: mismatch when analyzing
> bacula-logwatch-7.0.5-7.fc21.noarch.rpm, rpmdiff output was:
> error: cannot open Packages index using db5 - Permission denied (13)
> error: cannot open Packages database in /var/lib/rpm
> error: cannot open Packages database in /var/lib/rpm
> removed     REQUIRES bacula-director(armv7hl-32) = 7.0.5-7.fc21
> added       REQUIRES bacula-director(x86-64) = 7.0.5-7.fc21
> It prints errors always on the same subpackage after all branches/arch
> built succesfully. Am I doing anything wrong? This is the first time
> I've seen this message.

Looks to me like that sub-package has an arch-specific dependency but 
it's a noarch sub-package.


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