Fedora EPEL 6 Update: php-phpunit-PHPUnit-3.5.10-1.el6

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Sat Feb 5 22:52:33 UTC 2011

Fedora EPEL Update Notification
2011-01-20 16:50:40

Name        : php-phpunit-PHPUnit
Product     : Fedora EPEL 6
Version     : 3.5.10
Release     : 1.el6
URL         : http://www.phpunit.de
Summary     : Regression testing framework for unit tests
Description :
PHPUnit is a family of PEAR packages that supports the development of
object-oriented PHP applications using the concepts and methods of Agile
Software Development, Extreme Programming, Test-Driven Development and
Design-by-Contract Development by providing an elegant and robust framework
for the creation, execution and analysis of Unit Tests.

Update Information:

Upstream Changelog:

PHPUnit 3.5.10
* Fixed GH-71: `PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite::addTestFile()` has problems identifying the correct test suite.
* Fixed GH-120: Printer class does not handle "file does not exist" problems correctly.
* Fixed GH-125: Work around [PHP bug #47987](http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=47987).

PHPUnit 3.5.9
* Fixed GH-17: Process Isolation breaks for global objects that implement the `Serializable` interface.
* Fixed GH-64: `./` added to path to test when using PHPUnit on Windows terminal.
* Fixed GH-104: Bootstrap must be relative to the current directory.

PHPUnit 3.5.8
* Fixed GH-84: If no assertions are made the code should not be marked as covered.
* Fixed GH-115: Make most of the attributes in `PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase` private.

PHPUnit 3.5.7
* Implemented GH-103: Improved handling of deprecated PHPUnit features.
* Fixed GH-100: `assertSame()` does not give useful output on misordered arrays.
* Fixed GH-105: Backup of static attributes causes memory exhaustion.
* The TextUI test runner now prints the normal progress output in verbose mode.

PHPUnit_Selenium 1.0.2
* Updated for PHPUnit 3.5.8.

PHPUnit_MockObject 1.0.6
* Fixed GH-35: Mocking undeclared methods impossible since 1.0.4.

PHPUnit_MockObject 1.0.5
* Fixed GH-34: Mocking methods with variable parameter count impossible since 1.0.4.

PHPUnit_MockObject 1.0.4
* Fixed GH-3: `returnCallback()` does not work for parameters that are passed by reference.

Changelog, Readme and License are now provided in the package documentation.

This update can be installed with the "yum" update programs.  Use
su -c 'yum update php-phpunit-PHPUnit' at the command line.
For more information, refer to "Managing Software with yum",
available at http://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

All packages are signed with the Fedora EPEL GPG key.  More details on the
GPG keys used by the Fedora Project can be found at

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