Fedora EPEL 5 Update: RBTools-0.3.3-1.el5

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Thu Sep 15 19:36:46 UTC 2011

Fedora EPEL Update Notification
2011-08-23 18:59:53

Name        : RBTools
Product     : Fedora EPEL 5
Version     : 0.3.3
Release     : 1.el5
URL         : http://www.review-board.org
Summary     : Tools for use with ReviewBoard
Description :
RBTools provides client tools for interacting with a ReviewBoard
code-review server.

Update Information:

- New upstream release 1.5.6
- http://www.reviewboard.org/docs/releasenotes/dev/reviewboard/1.5.6/
- New Features:
- The PATH environment variable is now shown in the error when patch.exe
- can't be found, in order to help figure out where it needs to go
- rb-site more clearly informs that an existing database with valid
- permissions is needed for installation
- rb-site now lists recommendations for different services, and lists
- options that aren’t officially supported
- Tabs in the diff viewer are now marked up, allowing custom stylesheets to
- display them differently. By default, they don’t look any different
- Added Fedora Hosted to the hosting provider options
- Editing a field and then canceling it on a review request now prompts for
- confirmation before discarding the new text
- Control-S now saves the current text in review request fields
- We now support storing lots of text in the Description and Testing Done
- fields on MySQL
- Performance Improvements:
- Review Board now requires Pygments 1.4 or higher. Older installations
- running older versions of Pygments should get a performance increase when
- rendering diffs
- Bug Fixes:
- Using Review Board with wsgi without mod_python installed on the system no
- longer prevents Review Board from breaking
- Screenshot draft captions are now always displayed correctly. Previously,
- only the main caption would display, making them appear blank on new
- uploads
- Changing screenshot draft captions now invalidates the cache, allowing
- them to be seen when reloading the page
- When sending an e-mail, we no longer crash if the sender has no e-mail
- address
- Caching really long files or diffs now works more consistently.
- Previously, it was possible for the data to not be stored correctly
- Fixed a date range calculation sometimes causing the log viewer to fail on
- the first of the month
- Failing to load the Review Board News feed in the administration UI due to
- a proxy will no longer cause an HTTP 500 error to display
- Invalid bug tracker URLs (those containing more than one %s, for example)
- in the administration UI no longer breaks review requests
- The Mercurial support no longer overrides the SSH client configuration if
- one is already provided
- The recaptcha_client dependency has been renamed to recaptcha-client. Both
- technically work, but the former is more correct and makes packaging
- easier
- Fixed a few occasional errors that could show up on the dashboard under
- certain conditions

- New upstream 0.3.3 release
- http://www.reviewboard.org/docs/releasenotes/dev/rbtools/0.3.3/
- Notable Changes:
- Rewrote the Clear Case implementation to be cleaner, more maintainable,
- and less buggy
- New Features:
- post-review:
- Added --http-username and --http-password for providing defaults for
- Basic HTTP Authentication
- Clear Case:
- Added proper support for --tracking-branch and --revision-range
- Clear Case configuration has moved to .reviewboardrc
- Git:
- Added automatic parent diff determination when using --revision-range
- Added support for working against bare repositories when using
- revision-range
- Enhanced --revision-range to take any valid Git revisions
- Support --repository-url for overriding the git origin URL
- Mercurial:
- Added support for --guess-summary and --guess-description
- Allow a single revision to be passed to --revision-range
- Subversion:
- Added support for --svn-changelist for specifying SVN changelists
- Bug Fixes:
- post-review:
- Fixed authentication problems with some versions of Review Board
- Clear Case:
- The view is properly recognized
- Removed the dependency on xargs and cygwin
- Fixed breakages with binary files
- Removed support for --label, which was useless
- Running just post-review will now produce a working diff of checked
- out files
- Diffs generate properly now under Windows
- The diffs no longer hard-code a fake date, but instead use the real
- time/date of the file
- Files that were renamed no longer breaks the diff. OID/UUIDs are used
- instead of file paths
- Fixed diff generation to use the diff program instead of hand-crafting
- the diffs
- Running with --revision-range with paths that don't exist no longer
- produces unreadable IOException errors
- Git:
- Use real URLs when using git prefixes
- Fixed compatibility with versions of Git older than 1.6
- Added compatibility with msysgit
- The correct SVN remote tracking branch is now used for git-svn
- repositories
- Mercurial:
- Fixed an error when posting inside a Mercurial branch
- Perforce:
- Fixed Review Board version detection when checking for Perforce
- changeset support. This forced usage of the old API, preventing the new
- API from being used, which prevented usage with Review Board 1.6
- Subversion:
- Lines starting with --- and +++ in diffs that aren't diff control lines
- no longer results in broken diffs

This update can be installed with the "yum" update programs.  Use
su -c 'yum update RBTools' at the command line.
For more information, refer to "Managing Software with yum",
available at http://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

All packages are signed with the Fedora EPEL GPG key.  More details on the
GPG keys used by the Fedora Project can be found at

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