Fedora EPEL 5 Update: libburn-1.2.2-1.el5

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Thu May 31 01:09:03 UTC 2012

Fedora EPEL Update Notification
2012-05-14 01:20:55

Name        : libburn
Product     : Fedora EPEL 5
Version     : 1.2.2
Release     : 1.el5
URL         : http://libburnia-project.org/
Summary     : Library for reading, mastering and writing optical discs
Description :
Libburn is an open-source library for reading, mastering and writing
optical discs. For now this means only CD-R and CD-RW.

The project comprises of several more or less interdependent parts which
together strive to be a usable foundation for application development.
These are libraries, language bindings, and middleware binaries which emulate
classical (and valuable) Linux tools.

Update Information:

Changes towards previous version 1.2.0:

  * Small internal refinements

Changes towards previous version 1.1.8:

  * Bug fix: cdrskin produced a memory fault if interupted before writing began
  * Bug fix: Solaris adapter mishandled write commands which failed on first try
  * Bug fix: Interrupting libburn while drive tray is loading led to endless loop
  * Bug fix: Progress report with blanking and formatting could be bogus
  * New API calls burn_disc_get_leadin_text(), burn_write_opts_set_leadin_text()
  * New API calls for composing CD-TEXT, see doc/cdtext.txt
  * New API call burn_session_by_cue_file() for reading CDRWIN .cue files
  * New API call burn_track_set_isrc_string()
  * New API calls burn_track_set_index(), burn_track_clear_indice()
  * New API calls burn_session_set_start_tno(), burn_session_get_start_tno()
  * New API calls burn_track_set_pregap_size(), burn_track_set_postgap_size()
  * Implemented cdrskin option textfile=
  * Implemented cdrskin option combination -vv -toc for cdtext.dat production
  * Implemented cdrskin options mcn= and isrc=
  * Implemented cdrskin options -scms -copy -nocopy -preemp -nopreemp
  * Implemented cdrskin option index=
  * Partly implemented cdrskin options cuefile= and -text
  * New cdrskin option input_sheet_v07t= for CD-TEXT definition
  * New cdrskin options --cdtext_dummy and --cdtext_verbose
  * New cdrskin options --four_channel --two_channel
  * New cdrskin option cd_start_tno= 
  * New cdrskin options sao_pregap=, sao_postgap=

Changes towards previous version 1.1.6:

  * Bug fix: Misinterpreted mode page 2A if block descriptors are present
  * Enabled recognition of QEMU DVD-ROM 0.12
  * Avoiding to intermediately close and open drive device file
  * New API call burn_drive_re_assess()

  [ 1 ] Bug #785357 - libburn-1.2.2 is available

This update can be installed with the "yum" update programs.  Use
su -c 'yum update libburn' at the command line.
For more information, refer to "Managing Software with yum",
available at http://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

All packages are signed with the Fedora EPEL GPG key.  More details on the
GPG keys used by the Fedora Project can be found at

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