[fama-mentors] Formalize process to become a mentor

Jiri Eischmann eischmann at redhat.com
Thu Sep 18 15:47:23 UTC 2014

Truong Anh. Tuan píše v Čt 10. 07. 2014 v 14:44 +0700:
> Hello mentors,
> We are discussing in FAmSCo to formalize the process to become a mentor.
> In general, we would like to have a simple and easy process for existing
> mentors and regional ambassadors to nominate and vote for new mentors.
> FAmSCo is just aside to support and do final confirmation.
> Please take a look and share your ideas on Trac:
> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/366
> We will discuss and decide the new process in the next meeting(s).
> Kind regards,
> Tuan
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Check out the ticket. I've created a formal process that should reflect
what we agreed on at a FAmSCo meeting.


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