[FAmSCo] commission the new FAmSCo - decommission the former FAmSCo

Pierros Papadeas ppapadeas at gmail.com
Wed Dec 1 11:39:40 UTC 2010


I got everyone's responses. Unfortunately there is no certain time
that suit as all.
The worse thing is that there is not only one blocker. (if I exclude
it's one of you then again we don't have a result.

So I am going to ask all of you once again to review your selections
and try to be more flexible. I know it is hard but I believe we can
have a result.

The problem clearly stands in the different timezones on workdays so I
believe that Weekend will be our solution. So focus on that.

Remember that you are filling times in *your* timezone and the form
takes care of it. Also if you cannot review your selection (lost link
etc) just fill it again but also append the number "2" in your name.

Let's hope for the best :)

Thanks for your patience...


Pierros Papadeas
PGP key: 0x6130DBF8
pierros at papadeas.gr
liknus @ GRnet , Freenode

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