[FAmSCo] Please have a look at "I wish the FAmSCo looked into these"

Caius 'kaio' Chance kaio at fedoraproject.org
Fri Feb 4 17:54:14 UTC 2011

On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 2:57 AM, Gerard Braad <gbraad at fedoraproject.org>wrote:

> Hi guys,
> Recently sankarshan wrote this on his blog:
> http://sankarshan.randomink.org/blog/2011/01/21/i-wish-the-famsco-looked-into-these/
> Most of the points mentioned by him have been talked about or is being
> dealt with, but I do believe we need to work on expressing these. We
> also need to show we are involved in discussions with the other *SCo
> and want to address most of the goals from the board.
> > Focus on regions where there aren’t enough Ambassador strength.
> Kaio and I are hard at work to establish Fedora's presence in the APAC
> and recently gained a Taiwanese Ambassador. As mentioned before, my
> Community Hosting proposal is related to this by providing the tools
> new regional communities need.
> > Work towards converting the various FAQs into online courses/quizzes.
> I am also investigating the viability to have Fedora Classroom as a
> side-project who works on creating educational material which can help
> with improving the skills and sharing of knowledge. This can be seen
> as an added-value (working on commitment) for members of our
> community, eg. Ambassador, but is of course not Fedora-exclusive.
> Kind regards,
> Gerard
> --
> Gerard Braad — 吉拉德
>    Project-lead Fedora-MIPS
>    Regional Mentor for APAC/China, Member of FAmSCo
>    http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:gbraad
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In the previous fam-apac meetings with fams in apac, we have agreed to
suggest for help to promote professional certifications provided by RH such
as RHCE, RHCT (renamed I think), etc. However, as RHCE aware that there is a
"Terms and Conditions" of RHCE that talking about contents of RHCE exam or
course with another person is prohibited and will be disqualified or sued by
RH. This means no one except tutor certified by RH is allowed to open a
course with title RHCE-related. This can be clarified with RH legal. Fedora
Classroom without mentioning about "for RHCE" is the bottom line I guess.

After the FAD @ Brisbane for chat with ambassador Heherson (azneita), we
came out some ideas from the discussion:

   - Distribution of media in APAC region - We need to understand the
   process of manufacture and logistics of the media from the factory to the
   ambassadors within the area. We agreed to have at least 3 distribution
   center with the ambassadors who satisfy the following conditions:
      - with high population of Fedora community
      - with no coverage of RH office
      - with limitation of internet bandwidth or without availability of
      better resources (such as media come with books about Fedora in Japan may
      has highest quality)

      - Simplification of fund reimbursement - Heherson told me that the
   best practice to GTD in his reimbursement is "create a ticket at FAm trac ->
   create a ticket at FAmSCo trac -> keep pinging Max". I believe FAmSCo trac
   is read only to public for transparency and only FAmSCo can create ticket
   there for FAmSCo issues. FAmSCo member should follow up the requests on FAm
   and FAm regional trac for ambassadors and by assessment then Max and Harish
   push the fund timely. This is critical because ambassadors worry they cannot
   be reimburse timely or even nothing. Max's "things under $500
   are generally okay" does not help and this create confusion to ambassadors
   without a firm green light before their expenses.

   - Funding method - As we all know, not every ambassador has access to
   PayPal in their countries. I want to suggest Western Union as our secondary
   funding method when PayPal is not able to use. This is critical because
   waiting telegraphic transfers from Max or Harish is even more painful than
   PayPal / Western Union.

I will send another email to ambassadors list about my thoughts and attract
more feedback from FAms.


Regards ☺ Caius 'kaio' Chance
Fedora Project Contributor - http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Kaio
[IRC] kaio @ freenode | [Twitter] @K410 | [Blog] kaio.net
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