[FAmSCo] Monthly Reports

Igor Pires Soares igorsoares at gmail.com
Tue Jan 11 03:16:30 UTC 2011

Hello all!

I'm outlining our first report and would like your opinion.

I have been taking a look into previous reports and I realize that it is
a good idea to keep their main topic structure. I will use those earlier
reports as a template for the next one. Probably I won't hit big XML
problems although I'm not familiar to Publican yet. Anyway, I have been
reading the Publican documentation provided by Susmit and it seems
pretty straightforward to me.

I came up with the following topic structure:

* FAmSCo Meetings
* FAmSCo Mailing List
* General Accomplishments or Decisions
* Budget
* Mentoring
* Regional reports
** General updates
** Regional Meetings
** Events 

This is basically the same structure used before. I just changed
"Regional Meetings" to a "Regional Reports" subtopic.

Since in December we didn't have too many things going on due to FAmSCo
elections and holidays I think we can start reporting December and
January into our first report and from February on keep doing it on a
monthly basis.

Igor Pires Soares
Fedora Ambassador (Brazil) - Member of FAmSCo
Fedora I18N/L10N QA

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