[FAmSCo] Fudcon Latam proposals sumary

alejandro Perez alejandro.perez.torres at gmail.com
Fri Feb 22 04:24:50 UTC 2013

Both proposal are good how ever there are small difference to consider:

Expenses                  | Peru    | Managua
Conference Hal            |       0 |  400
Classrooms                |       0 | 1650
Hotel Rooms 15 double     |    2100 | 3510
bus fares people from CEAm|      39 | 2000
fud pub                   |     600 | 1662
t-shirts 125              |       0 |  540
booklets 125              |       0 |   28
Tags 125 badges           |       0 |   45
Air plane tickets 10      |    7400 |    0
          Total proposal  |    8739 | 9835

Managua proposal is based on bringing 20 people from countries near by
that will travel by Bus. Countries close to Managua (Belize, El
Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica) Others areas of latam by plane. Managua
plane tickets are more expensive for south America a ticket will be over
1000 from Brasil or Argentina.

Peru proposal is based on 10 people from others part of latam will
travel by Plane. Plane tickets for countries near Peru will be cheaper
but countries like Nicaragua will be over 1000 dls.
0 as budged mean that they have found sponsors for those Items, not the
same amount so if the amount of people is around 150 they will have to
print those extra from budget.

It will depend on the Budget but if the it about the same budget of pass
FudCom in latam will help to bring more people to the event. Panama
budget was 15000, Venezuela was about the same.

un mention advantages from my point of view:
Peru has a large deployment of OLPC, if the FudCon is focus in OLPC
developers in Peru it can help on providing Fedora tools to OLPC
developer there and they can bring part of their knowledge to Fedora.
Managua also has some developers and the larges OLPC deployment on
central America, there are few developers some of them are actual Fedora
contributors FudCon can help others to be part of Fedora, plus the
advantage of participation of people from near countries.

Both teams mention that they can bring more sponsors once the
designation is made. 

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