
Tomas Straupis tomasstraupis at gmail.com
Tue Aug 25 17:35:08 UTC 2009


2009/8/25 Anne Wilson <cannewilson at googlemail.com>:
> Tomas - so that I can try to get answers for you - which application(s) have
> you tried?  Which versions, and which KDE version?

  Any application under X (do not think that ctrl+shift+arrows
combinations could/should work under command line). I remember this
thing from at least two years ago on Fedora using all KDE versions of
the time. But to be more specific it currently happens under say
applications: firefox, kwrite, openoffice etc. (all latest versions
under latest kde 4.2.4 (haven't rebooted yet to kde4.3)). So
apparently not only on KDE... so the problem should probably somewhere

  Chrm. I think I've just found the cause (but not the solution): if I
set Ctrl+Shift to be keyboard layout switcher - Ctrl+Shift+Arrows stop
working as intended. If I change this shortcut to Alt+Shift -
Ctrl+Sh+Arr works OK. So apparently my question should change to "can
I have layout switcher as Ctrl+Sh and still have Ctrl+Sh+Arr working?)

  Thank you!

Tomas Straupis

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