I think KDE4.3 has surpassed KDE 3.5.10 ...

MM R807_T345 at hotmail.com
Fri Aug 28 15:03:00 UTC 2009

On 28/08/09 10:20, Anne Wilson wrote:
> On Friday 28 August 2009 09:08:23 Anne Wilson wrote:
> Quicker way - and, I think, the way that I did it:
> http://userbase.kde.org/Plasma/FAQ/4.3#How_can_I_use_virtual_desktops_as_activities_.3F

I have my desktops set up this way (i.e. different activity on each and
hence different background and widgets). However, there are some
unexpected results I find.

If I start from a default setting (i.e. 4 desktops with the same
activity on each) and then select 'Zoom Out' via the cashew, I get a
zoomed out view of one desktop/activity (fair enough). If I then click
'Configure Plasma' and select 'Different Activity For Each Desktop', KDE
creates the extra activities, but I've now got five. Why five?

I can ignore this, zoom back and then merrily set up each desktop
independently. However, my enquiring mind doesn't stop there. I notice
that if I click on the cashew for desktops 1 and 2 (I haven't bothered
renaming them), there are duplicated options, i.e. I have two of each of
'Lock Widgets', 'Shortcut Settings' and 'Zoom Out'. Desktops 3 and 4
don's have these duplicated options.

If I Zoom Out from any desktop, I see those five activities/desktops
mentioned above. Four of them display the background and widgets I've
selected on each desktop. The other is just a bare blue one, the purpose
of which I don't really understand.

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