kde-4.1.96 (4.2-rc1) -> kde-redhat/unstable

Claude Jones cjoneslists at tehogeeservices.com
Tue Jan 13 15:04:09 UTC 2009

On Tuesday 13 January 2009 09:37:36 Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> In that case I could introduce you to some, e.g. the Evolution list.
> This issue is one on which there is still controversy. Many people
> think that for the list manager to alter the Reply-To header of
> messages is evil (e.g. it prevents the user from specifying his own
> Reply-To header, which may be different from his From address, thus
> making it impossible to reply directly to him and not to the list).
> Personally I use Reply-To-List whenever possible, otherwise Reply-To-All.

OK - I'm sure that feature is there for a reason, and I have glanced at some 
of the post traffic on the controversy, I just hadn't encountered it. 

In any event, it doesn't change the fact that when I sent a post back to this 
list using the feature, it worked normally for me, and the sent message was 
not placed in my inbox as the OP is reporting is happening to him. So, I still 
think there is a configuration problem here, and not a general problem with 
kmail...but, I base that on a very small data set of one, so I could be 
missing something else.

On what you said: 'evil' is one of those words that gets bandied about on 
these lists all the time - it strikes as strong and infantile; my first thought 
on this is that if I were to set up a list in which the casual use of that 
list by non-attentive users would result in their replies to posts regularly 
going back to the original posters, instead of the list, I would be seeing a 
lot of complaining - if I joined such a list, and started getting personal 
replies to my list posts, I would be annoyed - it would be annoying, a 
nuisance, a small pain in the neck, but evil??? But, I digress... I hate 
Evolution and its evil promoters deserve anything they get ;-)
Claude Jones
Brunswick, MD

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