My questions were not to the point (was Re: 3 Questions)

Anne Wilson cannewilson at
Tue Jan 20 13:27:37 UTC 2009

On Tuesday 20 January 2009 00:38:35 Martin Kho wrote:
> My question had nothing to do with the placement of Kickoff on the panel,
> but with the Kickoff menu itself. Go to the Applications tab and click any
> item with sub-items. Then you see to the left the 'blue-back-bar-button'.
> Drop your mouse to the left edge and you can't press the 'back-button'. In
> the stable version of KDE - 4.3.1 - there was no space between the left
> edge and the Kickoff menu. My 'problem' has to do with the latest kde
> testing - 4.1.96 - version.

I have 4.1.96-1.fc10.i386.  Clicking anywhere on the blue panel takes me back 
as expected - even taking it as low as I can.  There is a tiny (2px-wide?) 
white border between the blue and the black icon-backgrounds.  However, I 
couldn't persuade my mouse pointer to click there at all, as it always tried 
to activate the Favourites tab.  Nor do I have anything that I recognise as 
"space between the left edge and the Kickoff menu".  Sorry, I can't reproduce 
your problem at all. Perhaps a screenshot of the menu would help, so that we 
can see this space?

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