K3B randomly spitting out disk after burn

John Pilkington J.Pilk at tesco.net
Tue Jan 27 20:53:07 UTC 2009

Arthur Pemberton wrote:
> K3B seems to randomly spit out the disk after a successful burn.
> Sometimes it ejects the it, some times it doesn't. Is this a bug? Or
> is there something systematic that I am missing?
I use k3b in burn-and-verify mode. It always spits the disk out after 
the burn but is unreliable in reloading for the verify.  Sometimes kded 
gets in first and k3b waits for a keyboard 'retry', sometimes it just 
hangs and has to be aborted. My new burning hardware also sometimes 
loses dma during the reload.  This is under Centos 5. Problems are less 
frequent under fc10 but not unknown.

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