Review Request for kde-plasma-daisy

Florian Sievert floriansievert at
Fri May 29 18:45:25 UTC 2009

> Hmmm, an OS-X-style dock (though it defaults to a circle rather than a
> rectangular dock), that might get us into patent trouble. :-(
This is some kind of bad joke? A circular launch dock might bring fedora
in patent trouble, because you can make it appear as rectangle? As far
as I understand the apple patent it's main focus is on the magnification
function. I am not really familiar with MacOSX, but I does have its dock
quite different in mind. So what does this actually mean for my request?

I actually only want to see how "easy" it would be to contribute and
choosed it, because its a nice fancy plasmoid that seems to be quite
popular. If this will lead into a legal process, I would rather tend to
test with another package how much bureacracy it is to commit a small
package to fedora... ;)

Best regards,

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