To anybody encountering issues with KDE 4.4.0

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at
Wed Feb 10 22:54:59 UTC 2010


all the folks who are reporting regressions with KDE 4.4.0: thank you for 
your testing, your feedback is very much appreciated! However, this mailing 
list is not the best place to discuss these issues as we will easily lose 
track of what is already fixed and what is still broken.

So, in the interest of getting the issues tracked reliably and fixed as 
effectively as possible, could you please:
1. check whether your bug is already on the kde-4.4 tracker:
If it is, please add yourself as CC to the bug, add any additional 
information you have as a comment and wait for us to either fix the issue or 
request further information. If it is not, proceed to the next step.
2. report a bug at
3. mark the bug as "Blocks: kde-4.4" (enter kde-4.4 into the "Blocks" field) 
so it will show up on the kde-4.4 tracker
4. if an upstream bug and/or a patch exist, please provide links to them
5. wait for any replies (new build which should fix the issue, request for 
further information etc.) from us

Note that only issues which are NEW with 4.4 should be on the kde-4.4 
tracker. If you have been experiencing a bug since 4.3.5 or earlier, then 
please just report it as a regular bug.

To the triagers: please DO NOT close any bug on the kde-4.4 tracker as 
UPSTREAM. It's of course OK to ask them to be filed upstream, but we will 
want them open in Fedora as long as they affect us.

        Kevin Kofler

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