Audio problems in KDE

Arthur Pemberton pemboa at
Tue Jun 8 04:48:28 UTC 2010

When I try to play audio in Amarok, it says that it's falling back to
internal audio; I'm not sure if that's good or bad, however changing
the audio volume inside amarok changes the volume level on my front
channel on the sound card itself, I'd much prefer for it to have it's
independent volume control like I thought it used to have.

Also, every time the machine starts up (which is often as I am still
reacquainting myself) The master volume level on the card is all the
way down giving me very low volume. I can't find out how to preserve
the master volume level or even change it via KMix. I have to use
alsamixer. This is on a still mostly fresh Fedora KDE (from LiveCD)
install with PulseAudio.

Fedora 13

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