RFC: Minimum requirements for default applications

Rex Dieter rdieter at math.unl.edu
Mon Mar 8 14:14:05 UTC 2010

Here's a very basic proposal that came out of discussions that happened 
primarily leading up to and at FUDCon Toronto.


I'll have to clean that page up, and move it to the /KDE namespace, but the 
basic idea is that we should set some basic criteria to help choose default 
applications for our fedora kde spin.  Based on this objective criteria, it 
will help us make wiser (and defendable!) choices.

I should point out that at our last SIG meeting, it was agreed that criteria 
should be separated between 'minimal/required' and 'nice-to-have' ones.  
This, I haven't done yet (sorry).

Anyway, the type of feedback we're looking for here is brainstorm:
1.  different types of default apps (ie, those not listed yet).
2.  new/different selection criteria.  for example, it should probably be 
explicitly mentioned that we would give a slight preference for native 
qt/kde applications.
3.  criticism of criteria already listed.


-- Rex

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