KMail archive

Gabriel Ramirez gabriello.ramirez at
Wed Feb 2 20:32:41 UTC 2011

On 02/02/2011 09:22 AM, Timothy Murphy wrote:
> I'm using maildir format throughout, as I mentioned.
> Everything is stored in ~/Maildir/ ,
> with folders like ~/Maildir/.In-08 .
> The file ~/Maildir/subscriptions contains entries, eg In-08,
> exactly corresponding to the folders I see in KMail (minus the dots).
> I have a folder ~/Maildir/Archive/ where I have put some ancient email,
> eg the folder ~/Maildir/Archive/In-02/ is in maildir format
> with sub-folders cur,new,tmp (the last two being empty).
> But I see no way of listing the email in this folder in KMail.
> I can view an individual email in the folder by "kmail --msg<filename>"
> but this is impractical as there are dozens of files in the folder.

seems maildir don't supports physical subdirectories at first so you 
cannot have a maildir mailbox under ~/Maildir/Archive/
you need to create a dir directly in ~/Maildir/.Archive.In-02/

if you need a maildir subfolder of another as in your example need a 
dovecot 1.1+ and modify the configuration

more info in:

> I looked quickly at the dovecot documentation you mention,
> but didn't find anything helpful.
> I'll have a closer look at it though.
> Basically, to re-phrase my original query:
> How can one "archive" old email in dovecot/KMail
> so that it is not listed by a KMail client
> but can nevertheless be accessed without too much difficulty?

well I don't use kmail but under a imap server the client is more or 
less irrelevant you only need subscribe and unsubscribe the ancient 
mailboxes when needed them in your email client


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