KDE 4.10 F18 works (mostly)

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at chello.at
Mon Feb 18 11:10:32 UTC 2013

Reindl Harald wrote:
> how can KDE 4.10 ignore it's "plasma-desktop-appletsrc"
> and why does it not ignore it always because there where
> at least 7 logins with no problems

Can you try removing some of the applets to see whether one of them is 
causing the problem? I'd suggest starting with ihatethecashew:
> [Containments][39][Applets][40]
> geometry=nan,nan,16777215,16777215
> immutability=2
> plugin=ihatethecashew
> zvalue=0
because I've had that misbehave on one or two previous KDE upgrades, and I 
think not many people other than you and me are using this (and I haven't 
tried 4.10 yet). :-(

If we can figure out the culprit, it increases the chances that we can fix 

        Kevin Kofler

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