xdg-settings rational explanation ???

Ed Greshko Ed.Greshko at greshko.com
Sat Jan 26 06:49:09 UTC 2013


When using chrome as my browser I want ktorrent used for opening magnet links.  Originally transmission was being used and the following was the case....

[egreshko at meimei ~]$ xdg-settings get default-url-scheme-handler magnet

So, I did....

xdg-settings set default-url-scheme-handler magnet ktorrent.desktop

No matter how many times I executed that command the "get" still returned transmission-gtk.desktop.

Finally I erased transmission-gtk and transmission-common.

When I first executed the "get" it still returned transmission-gtk.desktop.  I then did the "set" again, and finally ktorrent.desktop was returned and chrome used ktorrent as requested.

So, can anyone give a suggestion as to why the "sets" failed to change the settings until transmission was removed from the system?

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