
Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Wed Sep 11 17:57:15 UTC 2013

Am 11.09.2013 19:48, schrieb Felix Miata:
> On 2013-09-11 19:33 (GMT+0200) Reindl Harald composed:
>> Am 11.09.2013 19:23, schrieb Felix Miata:
>>> On 2013-09-11 19:12 (GMT+0200) Reindl Harald composed:
>>>> well, what about read the list-footer and do it yourself
>>>> because you subscribed yourself and mailing.ists are not
>>>> maintained in this context?
>>> One who does not see the list footer will not read the list footer. Some email apps hide a line that contains only
>>> "-- " and whatever follows it
>> then report a bug for the *horrible broken* mailapp!
> I don't use such an app, and neither do I have an inventory of which apps do do this. Those that do it I'm sure
> either do it intentionally and/or aren't apps that a user could report a bug against (e.g. web mail). I was merely
> pointing out that not every apparent dummy that seems to have forgotten where his instructions for undoing his
> subscription, if or whether he has any such thing, or even if he is getting mail because he created a subscription
> in the first place, can be assumed to have not read the footer's instructions intentionally.

the really dumb in your whole argumentation is that the footer of this list
does *not* start with a "-- " line and so there is *no* excuse for a silly
"unsubcribe" message which in case of this thread even would not have worked
out if one is not able to type "unsubscribe" instead "unsucrube"

or do you now come up and explain me that mail-clients also not display content
after a line with "_______________________________________________ "?

so no, *zero* understanding for people blowing out mindless unsubscribe-mails
to the whole list and before someone starts to argue that my responses are
more harm then the useless message - *no* they may prevent 50 other users
in the future acting in the same mindless way without consult google or
read instructions in welcome messages or list-footers

my main question is: how did people not learned to read manage to subscribe?

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