KDE Frameworks 5 repo update

Loïc Yhuel loic.yhuel at gmail.com
Tue Feb 18 00:48:31 UTC 2014

Hi Daniel,

I'm trying to use your updated packages, but I have several issues.
I updated from the older January version (which was crashing in a loop), 
and removed $HOME/.*5, so I assume I'm starting from a clean configuration.

I first had to modify /opt/kde5/bin/startkde as it wants to launch 
/opt/kde5/libexec/start_kdeinit_wrapper instead of 
/usr/libexec/start_kdeinit_wrapper from kf5-kinit package.

Then, starting the "KDE Plasma Workspace 2" session from kdm, I get the 
splash screen, then the desktop background, then a black screen (with 

I noticed plasma wasn't started, and the use of /usr/etc in a few kf5-* 
packages looks strange, so I copied :
  - /usr/etc/xdg/* to /opt/kde5/etc/xdg
  - /usr/etc/dbus-1/* to /etc/dbus-1

Now plasma-shell starts, but it crashes immediately, and I still have a 
black screen after the splash screen.
The crash is in ShellManager::updateShell(), qFatal("We have no shell 
handlers installed").
It looks for /usr/share/plasma/shells/*/contents/loader.qml, but the 
files from kde5-workspace package are in /opt/kde5.
Since it's CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, I think kf5-* and kde5-* packages 
should have the same prefix.

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