qt-mobility on a generic non-wireless F21 KDE desktop PC?

Rex Dieter rdieter at fedoraproject.org
Fri May 2 18:48:11 UTC 2014

On 05/01/2014 06:10 PM, Felix Miata wrote:
> I asked a bad question, but you might have done a better job correlating
> it to
> $SUBJECT. The subject is about required components unlikely ever to be
> used by
> other than laptop installations.

As far as I can tell,
* QtLocation is needed for GeoLocation support, probably want to keep that.
* QtSensors seems to be used to support something about screen 
orientation and rotation.  not sure of the use-case for including this 
support, so could consider omitting this part I suppose.

Anyone want to argue for or against either of these qtwebkit features?

> As a single 3M package previously, I never
> noticed the existence of qt-mobility. Obviously the old qt-mobility version
> has been broken up into 15 separate rpms of which all are not mandatory,
> which
> apparently means some wireless stuff previously mandatory is now optional,
> thus an improvement:

Indeed, that was the plan.

-- Rex

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