Ralph Bean rbean at redhat.com
Thu Oct 23 15:35:03 UTC 2014

Hello all,

A new Fedora badge has been proposed for "membership in the KDE SIG":


As far as I can see, there is not a formal definition of membership in
the group.  Some options for awarding the badge:

- We could create a new FAS group and trigger the badge awarding off
  of that.  Lots of other badges work this way, so it is easy to do.
  The only downside is that you have a FAS group with no other real
  purpose than for handing out badges.  It has to be maintained,
  pruned eventually, etc..

- Or, instead, we could take one or two volunteers from the SIG to be
  'in charge' of the badge.  There is a self-service interface in the
  webapp where they could manually award the badge to sig members as
  they see fit.

I'd like to do it however the sig wants it done.  Can you hash it out
and let the badges crew know by posting back in the trac ticket above?

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