Default browser in Fedora KDE Plasma

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at
Sun Aug 9 12:47:58 UTC 2015

Ben Rosser wrote:
> I don't recall reading many testimonies from people in these threads who
> actually regularly use Konqueror as their primary browser.

I do.

> If the KDE project did not have a browser, would those who are against
> shipping any non-native KDE applications be against including an external
> browser?

If there were no KDE browser at all, we'd have no other choice. But a KDE 
browser exists and should be shipped.

But even if there were no KDE browser at all, I'd be looking into Qt 
browsers (Qupzilla, Arora, etc.) before considering a GTK+/XUL one like 

> If a browser existed, but it was a "bad" browser (think, say, IE6 or worse
> when it comes to standards support), would it need to be our default and
> *only* browser (in the image) by the same rationale?

If there were no other KDE alternative, we'd ship what is there. But as you 
> As it happens, Konqueror is neither of these things, which is why I don't
> have a strong opinion on this either way.
thankfully, Konqueror is not THAT obsolete. Even KHTML supports things IE6 
did not support, KWebKitPart is a lot more up to date.

        Kevin Kofler

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