Desktop freeze on NFS share failure

Reindl Harald h.reindl at
Thu Aug 20 10:01:50 UTC 2015

Am 20.08.2015 um 11:45 schrieb Martin (KDE):
> Am Mittwoch, 19. August 2015, 21:42:37 schrieb Patrick O'Callaghan:
>> On Wed, 2015-08-19 at 12:20 -0700, Emmett Culley wrote:
>>> The issue here is why does KDE stop, like a single threaded windows
>>> 3.1, when an NFS share disappears?
>> Very well put.
> Hm, is it?


> The question is more general. There are many programs and systems out there
> failing badly (with different types of errors - from crash up to reboot) if
> NFS fails. I run some VMWare ESXi Servers on NFS shares and they fail very
> hard if NFS goes down for few seconds. Only recovery is to reboot all
> connected VMWare Servers.

but they *use the storage* heavily

> This must not be an excuse for KDE doing the same

KDE is not doing the same - it freezes away just because a mountpoint 
exists nobody intents to touch at that time and so the main question is 
WTF is there any backround activity at all to that storage

> KDE (and Plasma and ...) uses Sockets and databases located in your home
> folder. Both are known to be bad in loosing their underlying file systems.
> This is not special to KDE, same is true for Gnome (at least partially).

you missed the point that nobody is talking about the userhome

the topic is about freezing away because a random, currently not used 
mountpoint is gone and that is simply unacceptable - frankly in 2015 
good software should even survive a short network outage even if it is 
the homedir

you can reboot openvpn servers without killing a "tail -f" running on a 
remote machine and after the VPN connection in background is restored 
all is running as before - THAT is how software has to work

> There was a very old discussion on the kde mailing list (may be six years ago
> or even longer) about NFS and KDE with the conclusion, that NFS is no good
> idea for your home directory on modern graphical environments.

AGAIN: the topic is even not the homedir, read the thread again

start here:

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: Re: Desktop freeze on NFS share failure
Datum: Sat, 15 Aug 2015 23:50:00 +0100
Von: Patrick O'Callaghan <pocallaghan at>
Antwort an: KDE on Fedora discussion <kde at>
An: kde at

On Sat, 2015-08-15 at 15:16 -0700, Emmett Culley wrote:
 > Why does the desktop freeze whenever an NFS share fails?  I have set
 > all NFS mounts to soft,intr and yet, if I forget to unmount a share
 > before taking down the NFS server, my desktop freezes.

Maybe for the same reason my local NFS-mounted NAS starts up any time I
open Dolphin, even when I'm just looking at a local directory.
Something in KDE wants all possible filesystems available before it
allows you to look at anything, or at least it seems that way. I've
never bothered trying to pin it down.

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