KDE Telepathy and OTR

Bjoern Schiessle bjoern at schiessle.org
Wed Jan 14 10:27:32 UTC 2015

Hi all,

I'm using Fedora 21 with KDE and want to try the new OTR implementation of 

The first strange thing I observed was that I can't find anything about OTR if I 
go to the system settings "Instant Messaging and VoIP".
If I set up my xmpp account  open a random chat window and go to 
Settings->"Configure Chat Application" I find some OTR settings. That's really 
confusing but probably nothing for this mailing list but for a upstream bug 

But now the question why I write to this mailing list in the first place. If I 
open the OTR settings and chose "Generate" to generate a new private key 
nothing happens. No key, no error message, nothing. Any idea what could be 


Björn Schießle <bjoern at schiessle.org>
www: http://www.schiessle.org
twitter: @schiessle
gnupg/pgp key: 0x0x2378A753E2BF04F6 
verify: https://keybase.io/BeS
fingerprint: 244F CEB0 CB09 9524 B21F B896 2378 A753 E2BF 04F6

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