kdewallet problem

Ed Greshko ed.greshko at greshko.com
Tue Jun 16 03:46:31 UTC 2015

Just upgraded on my main system from F21 to F22.  Everything went pretty smoothly and I'm finding and adjusting things that changed due to the upgrade.

One thing I've not been able to figure out, and which worked on my VM's, is how to get to manage my old kwallet.  I need/want to run the old version since I use Chrome and it uses the old version. 

I was using a gpg encrypted wallet but there seems to be issues with that.  So, before the upgrade I exported my wallet to xml and moved the walllet files.  When Chrome started, it prompted to create a new wallet and did that just fine.  

Now I want to import the old contents.  But when I try to run Konsole outputkwalletmanager Konsole outputkwalletmanager kwalletmanager it goes into the "background" and no gui appears.

Konsole output
[egreshko at meimei kwallet]$ kwalletmanager
Connecting to deprecated signal QDBusConnectionInterface::serviceOwnerChanged(QSt

Konsole output
egreshko at meimei kwallet]$ ps -eaf | grep kwalle
egreshko  6714     1  0 10:46 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/kwalletd5
egreshko  6720     1  0 10:46 ?        00:00:01 /usr/bin/kwalletd
egreshko  8706     1  0 11:45 pts/2    00:00:00 kwalletmanager

Any idea what may be going wrong?

Sorta what I want to say when folks habitually complain about Fedora - https://youtu.be/ZArl8fTfub4ddddd

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