akonadi and baloo taking too much space on .local?

José Matos jamatos at fc.up.pt
Thu Mar 12 17:11:40 UTC 2015

	today while trying to understand why the available free space on disk was getting small I decided to investigate.

The most strange (at least to me) thing was that ~/.local occupies 52 GB !

Searching in more detail I found that:

$ cd .local/share
$ du -sh * | sort -h
60M     local-mail
18G     baloo
34G     akonadi

Is this normal?
FWIW all the email accounts that I use have ~ 8 GB. and the rest of my home takes 140 GB, so I find those values a bit overboard.

What can I do to slim those gluttons? :-)

José Abílio

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