System is rendered useless after Plasma 5.4.3 update KDEInit couldn't launch

Sudhir Khanger ml at
Mon Nov 16 15:34:18 UTC 2015

On Monday 16 Nov 2015 12:10:36 PM Tom Back wrote:
> 3.  DNF has a rollback function, but the needed packages are no longer
> present in the repos, so it's of little help.

Yep, that makes dnf undo or rollback useless but dnf devs think missing 
packages is not their problem in spite of the fact that it is a requirement 
for dnf rollback or undo to work. I don't know how that logic works for them.

> Having just moved to Fedora from OpenSUSE three weeks ago, I would be
> curious to know what normally happens in scenarios like these?  Is this
> likely to be fixed in an imminent update or are we isolated cases and on
> our own?

I have been as conservative as possible on this system. It's pretty sad and 
frustrating that Fedora has to break regularly. A few weeks ago CopyQ and 
ownCloud started crashing until that kf5-filesystemblahblah package was fixed. 
Now this had to happen.

I am seriously losing faith in distros that promote the latest and greatest 
software philosophy.

Sudhir Khanger,

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