F22 / KDE5

Ed Greshko ed.greshko at greshko.com
Mon Sep 14 21:44:23 UTC 2015

On 09/15/15 04:54, Reindl Harald wrote:
> Am 14.09.2015 um 22:41 schrieb Ed Greshko:
>> On 09/15/15 02:17, Reindl Harald wrote:
>>> * some applications like thunderbird have no icon in the taskbar
>> You can get icons on the taskbar for your preferred applications by right clicking on the "application launcher" picking "alternatives" switch to the cascading menu and then finding the application you want.   When you do, right click and the "add to panel" and you have it.
> Ridicolous - thunderbird ha a icon in the (laughable because no lancetlot nor classic KDE3 menu) and so there si no single reason to appear without any icon in the taskbar
> frankly KDE desktop on F22 is the worst shit anybody tried to sell me as "improvement" the last 6 years and some developers honestly should stop develop anything at all and not touch working things to hram them
> there is *nothing* on my current dekstop i would anybody honestly explain as better than windows or macosx and if i would act the same way with my applications i would have no users at all for years

You do realize I'm not arguing with you nor discounting what you've said, right?

Just giving you a way to get one very small thing working the way it should.

It seems most people that say they are "done talking about it" never really are until given the last word.

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