Leftover plasma5 package on upgrade F21 to F22

Michael J Gruber michaeljgruber+gmane at fastmail.fm
Fri Sep 25 07:46:34 UTC 2015

Hi there,

I fedup'ed my F21 (with plasma 5 from copr) to F22 which mostly went
well. For a few packages, F21 was actually ahead of F22 (sigh) but dnf
downgrade took care of that. There is one remaining piece in "dnf list


Erasing that takes quite a bit with it (see below).

Which package should obsolete it, and/or how do I get into a proper "F22
only plasma 5 state"?

(There are many other .fc21 packages, which is confusing but normal in
fedora land; that plasma5 package should go away, though.)


kdeplasma-addons                                     x86_64
             5.4.1-1.fc22                            @System
              7.2 M
 khelpcenter                                          x86_64
              1:5.4.1-1.fc22                          @System
               4.0 M
 kinfocenter                                          x86_64
              5.4.1-1.fc22                            @System
               7.0 M
 kscreen                                              x86_64
              1:5.4.1-1.fc22                          @System
               733 k
 ksshaskpass                                          x86_64
              5.4.1-1.fc22                            @System
                88 k
 ksysguard                                            x86_64
              5.4.1-1.fc22                            @System
               2.5 M
 ksysguardd                                           x86_64
              5.4.1-1.fc22                            @System
               162 k
 oxygen-cursor-themes                                 noarch
              5.4.1-1.fc22                            @System
                14 M
 plasma-oxygen                                        x86_64
              5.4.1-1.fc22                            @System
 plasma-workspace-wallpapers                          noarch
              5.4.1-1.fc22                            @System
                49 M
 plasma5                                              noarch
              5.2.1-2.fc21                            @System
 qt4-style-oxygen                                     x86_64
              5.4.1-1.fc22                            @System
               1.2 M
 qt5-style-oxygen                                     x86_64
              5.4.1-1.fc22                            @System
               4.4 M

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