stripping of DLLs?

Erik van Pienbroek erik at
Tue Jun 2 21:14:18 UTC 2009

Op dinsdag 02-06-2009 om 16:51 uur [tijdzone -0400], schreef Adam Goode:
> Hi,
> I am looking at the comtents of
> /usr/i686-pc-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin/ with i686-pc-mingw32-nm. There
> are a lot of symbols there!
> Shouldn't these all be stripped? Is there a bug in the search script?
> Thanks,
> Adam

Hi Adam,

Your observation is correct. The .DLL's we ship contain debug symbols.
Only the static libraries (.a files) are stripped.

A while ago I looked for a way to strip out the debug symbols and
collect them in a -debuginfo package (like the regular Fedora packages),
but it requires modification to some RPM files (scripts and tools).

The script /usr/lib/rpm/ is one of those scripts which
needs adjustment. From the looks of it, three files are created:
debugfiles.list, debugsources.list and debuglinks.list. It isn't clear
what the contents of those files 'should' be.

Next to this, also some RPM tools are called to extract the debug
information like /usr/lib/rpm/debugedit and /usr/bin/eu_strip
(elfutils). The debugedit tool is written in C and makes intensive use
of binutils. As the use of binutils is a bit too low-level for me, I
gave up trying to extract debug information from our MinGW DLL's...

Maybe this information can be of use to somebody else.


Erik van Pienbroek

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