[Fedora-spins] (re)Introducing a spin to the list

Jørn Lomax northlomax at gmail.com
Thu Nov 29 19:34:38 UTC 2012

During the summer I was working as part of the GSoC project with fedora, 
and I helped create a new spin for Fedora, specifically catering to 
music and audio enthusiasts. We named it "Fedora-Jam[1]"

Since then, we have built the spin a few times and it's starting to 
shape up. If anyone it interested in trying it, it can be found at


Hopefully now it's fully introduced to everyone, and we can get this 
spin ready for F18


Jørn Lomax
Nestleder Studentutvalget NT-Fak
CS Student University of Tromsø
Blog: http://lurimax.posterous.com/

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