SQL implementation of Firehose schema

David Malcolm dmalcolm at redhat.com
Tue Apr 16 15:42:40 UTC 2013

On Sun, 2013-04-14 at 13:19 +0200, Matthieu Caneill wrote:
> Hi!
> I'll be working this summer on a web platform to run analysis tools on
> Debian, so I wonder if it already exists a SQL implementation of
> Firehose schema? If not, I'd like to develop one and will come back
> here to share it.

That would be awesome!  (having a web UI with a DB backend was one of my
motivations for creating Firehose).

Your project sounds really interesting.  Will you be posting status
updates anywhere public?

For my PyCon US 2013 talk [1] I put all of my data into a MongoDB
instance due to time pressure of needing to assemble data for slides,
but longer-term, I think SQL is the way to go.

FWIW I did have a go at creating a SQLAlchemy ORM for the firehose.model
objects when I was working on my talk, but I only ever got it mostly working.

I've uploaded what I've got to:
but it *doesn't* work; feel free to use this or not use it

[IIRC the idea of a list of firehose.model.Result associated with an
analysis with an inheritance hierarchy of Issue, Failure, Info below it
is fiddly to model in SQLAlchemy).   IIRC I also had to drop the
__slots__ from the firehose.model classes to get it to work at all.  So
there might need to be some changes for firehose.model for the benefit
of DB integration.]

Hope this is helpful; good luck!


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