__slots__ in Firehose objetcs

Matthieu Caneill matthieu.caneill42 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 5 17:34:13 UTC 2013

On Fri, Jul 5, 2013 at 7:25 PM, David Malcolm <dmalcolm at redhat.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 2013-07-05 at 17:55 +0200, Matthieu Caneill wrote:
>> Every Firehose object uses __slots__ for memory optimization, but it
>> blocks tools like SQLAlchemy to add attributes dynamically; could we
>> remove this feature or render it optional?
> I ran into this myself when trying to write
> https://github.com/davidmalcolm/firehose-orm
> and commit 453f1944552bdc127b0778b34baa4f1d1c1e6b46 introduced the
> Attribute classes to better capture this metadata.
> I'm fine with the __slots__ being removed.
> (the memory optimization is done for us on CPython 3.3+ and by PyPy.
> There's a slight type-safety benefit to having them (since you can't
> uses attrs other than those listed, which can help catch typos) - but
> the benefit of having an ORM far outweighs these considerations)

OK, cool!
Thank you :-)


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